Photo © GIZ / Sven Schuppener
Through the Lima Call for Climate Action, Parties were invited to communicate their adaptation planning efforts in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). Unless countries chose to amend their INDCs prior to ratifying the Paris Agreement, these documents became their first Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). As of October 2017, 162 countries have submitted NDCs of which 120 include adaptation. Now, after the Paris Agreement, governments turn towards translating their NDCs into action. Against this background, a new tool developed on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) informs about the various adaptation contents in the NDCs.
The Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the NDCs (TAAN) is an interactive knowledge platform that provides detailed information on adaptation in the (I)NDCs. In particular, it demonstrates objectives, priorities and vulnerabilities as well as country adaptation actions and measures as indicated in the (I)NDCs.
The current version of the online tool comprises two main sections:
- A Quick Facts section which provides answers to relevant questions about the (I)NDC adaptation components enabling users to access key statistics around (I)NDC adaptation components. The section includes general infographics that summarise the most important data from (I)NDC adaptation components and a subsection devoted to aggregated sector-specific information.
- A Country Information section with an interactive World Map, which allows accessing country-specific information. In this section, users may explore the content of and the differences between various (I)NDC adaptation components and compare measures that are planned and have been undertaken by different countries. Moreover, users may access individualized country factsheets.
Access the tool here.