(Re-)Launch of the Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the NDCs (TAAN)

As COP26 is approaching, expectations on national governments to raise their ambitions and remain on track in the fight against climate change are high. Besides more ambitious emission reduction targets, there is also a crucial need to enhance climate adaptation solutions, to build and sustain the capacity for resilience in every community around the world.

This week, the updated version of the web-based Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the NDCs (TAAN) has been launched. TAAN aims to provide stakeholders and parties a detailed overview of the adaptation content included in the NDCs.

TAAN interactive world map

The tool provides a comprehensive overview of qualitative as well as quantitative data, which allows you to explore the content of and the differences between the adaptation component of NDCs, with a special focus on the agriculture, water, health and biodiversity/ecosystem sectors. Various key statistics and information can be accessed, for example looking into details on gender and participatory processes, sustainable development and M&E.

Furthermore, the section “NDC Enhancement” offers the possibility to compare the subsequent submissions of each country by providing an overview of the changes regarding different topics and sectoral measures and to thereby identify gaps and challenges for climate adaptation actions.

The tool will be updated on an ongoing basis. Please feel free to share any feedback and support regarding the further development and improvement of the TAAN!

You can access the TAAN on https://taan-adaptationdata.org

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