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In Oktober 2022, the IKI-funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA hosted an online launch event for the publication 'Synergies between adaptation, biodiversity and mitigation: How Ecosystem-based Adaptation can build bridges between Nationally Determined Contributions and the new Global Biodiversity Framework'.
The IKI-funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA hosted an online launch event for the new collection of publications on ‘Climate justice in Ecosystem-based Adaptation'. In early 2022 the Global Project on Mainstreaming EbA together with FAKT Consult launched a process to assess and contribute to bridging the gap between theory and practice of justice-based EbA.
This online launch event of six thematic papers on 'Synergies Between Biodiversity and Climate Policy Frameworks' includes presentations of the thematic paper series’ key findings from a policy, science and implementation perspective. The series is published as a package and provides an overview, a sound scientific basis, as well as inspirational examples and case studies of synergies between biodiversity and climate change commitments.
This online breakout session on ‘Pathways to Climate Resilient Development Through Rights-Based EbA’ was recorded November 24th, 2022, as part of the 7th international EbA Community of Practice Workshop. In the workshop, the BMU-IKI funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA welcomed a group of 60 EbA practitioners.
The Global Project Mainstreaming EbA, the InsuResilience GlobalPartnership and ACRI+ are delighted to present you the public online session 'Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Insurance: Success, Challenges and Opportunities'.
El Programa Global Transversalización AbE y la Red Sectorial de Gestión Ambiental y Desarrollo Rural en América Latina de la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Cooperación Técnica Alemana) en colaboración con la Oficina Regional para América del Sur de UICN se complacen en invitarle a participar en dos seminarios públicos y gratuitos. Las presentaciones del seminarios están disponiles aquí.
The online session “Tools to Support the Implementation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation” was organized by the GIZ Global Project Mainstreaming EbA funded under the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.
In collaboration with UN-Environment REGATTA/Practical Actions: 1st online session "How to strengthen evidence of the effectiveness of ecosystem-based adaptation",  2nd online session "Valuating and communicating the economic benefits of EbA", 3rd online session "Evidence on EbA effectiveness – Experiences from Central Asia and Viet Nam".