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Addressing the impacts of climate change on human mobility, the Global Programme "Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change" (HMCCC) responds to related challenges in the Eastern Caribbean. Experiences from hurricanes driving displacement and policy redesign highlight the accomplishments and strategies that enhance the region's resilience. Learn more about how HMCCC provides knowledge products, technical support, and capacity-building to increase the region’s ability in managing mobility in a changing climate.
The Standard Operating Procedures for Planned Relocation (SOP) in Fiji is one of the most comprehensive national documents in the world, providing detailed instructions and guidance on processes for climate-induced planned relocation. The SOP paves the way for a human-centered, science-based, and climate resilient development approach for the relocation of at-risk communities in Fiji.
In the Pacific Islands, communities are already being displaced or relocated as a result of direct climate change impacts. Hence, regional and national adaptation measures are developed and deeply entrenched and implemented in national law and regional frameworks. Learn more about these measures and how the Global Programme “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change” supported the Pacific Islands (particularly Fiji) in this regard.
Rising sea levels, more frequent droughts, more intense flooding: As climate change continues to impact livelihoods, people often decide to leave their homes or are displaced. This is the starting point for the Global Programme “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change”. Learn more about its goals, partner regions and achievements in this factsheet.
Climate change has far-reaching consequences for rural development. If you want to better understand this nexus, have a look at this living document. It provides you with many relevant publications and websites for the nexus of climate change and rural development, including basic concepts, reference documents of the UNFCCC and relevant tools and data bases.
This qualitative study highlights the interactions between climate change, human mobility and pastoralists' livelihoods in the border regions of Uganda and Kenya. It provides nuanced perspectives and recommendations on adaptive strategies and the role of both governmental and non-governmental actors in fostering resilience amidst these climatic shifts.
L'absence de l’évidence scientifique des avantages économiques et des effets environnementaux positifs de l'agroécologie est un problème majeur qui empêche sa mise en œuvre à grande échelle. Cette publication vise à fournir des orientations méthodologiques afin de permettre une meilleure prise de décision fondée sur des données solides. Elle s'adresse à la fois aux responsables de la mise en œuvre des projets et aux chercheurs dans le processus de préparation et de choix d'analyses scientifiques (socio-économiques et environnementales) adaptées au contexte et liés à l'agroécologie.