
Adaptation M&E Toolbox

An overview of all tools developed by GIZ on adaptation M&E including guidebooks, excel tools and training materials are presented in the Adaptation M&E Toolbox. It includes tools for application at national and project level as well as across levels.


The Adaptation Communication Drafting Assistance Tool (AdComm-DAT) aims to support countries in formulating their adaptation communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).


The Business Areas Climate Impacts Assessment Tool (BACLIAT) vulnerability assessment is a workshop-based process to help companies to quickly consider the potential impacts of climate change on their organization. It can be used as a stand-alone tool, or as a step in a risk-based framework such as the Adaptation Wizard.

Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Agri-Food Systems: A Compendium of Analytic Tools for Practitioners

This Compendium provides an overview of the most relevant tools that can be applied to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into development projects.

Climate Expert tools

Correctly identifying and interpreting the risks and opportunities of climate change is difficult. The Climate Expert tools support companies and consultants in developing good adaptation strategies.

Climate Risk Sourcebook

The Climate Risk Sourcebook (CR‐SB) delivers a conceptual framework for a comprehensive Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) together with modular instructions, divided in eight modules, on how it can be conducted.

Cost Benefit Analysis Template

The template is designed to compare up to three adaptation options according to their Net Present Value (NPV) and their Internal Rate of Return (IRR).


The CRA-Method Search Engine “CRAMSE” aims to support practicioners in identifying Climate Risk Assessment methods that fit best for their specific interests.


CRISP helps practitioners and policy makers in the agri-food sector to understand climate related risks, and to identify relevant adaptation options for their specific agricultural systems.


CRiSTAL is a project-planning tool that helps users design activities that support climate adaptation at the community level. CRiSTAL stands for “Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods.”

EbA mainstreaming cycle

GIZ’s framework for mainstreaming EbA employs an iterative six-step approach (known as the adaptation mainstreaming cycle).

EbA tools navigator

The EbA Tools Navigator helps practitioners and policymakers to identify the most appropriate tools for including EbA into their climate adaptation plans. Available in English, Spanish and French.

M&E Navigator

A decision support tool for the selection of suitable approaches to monitor and evaluate adaptation to climate change.

Multi Criteria Analysis Template

The template is designed to compare up to ten adaptation options according to a set of up to ten criteria.

NDC Adaptation Toolbox

The NDC Adaptation Toolbox offers you various instruments to facilitate the development and implementation of adaptation measures for achieving NDC adaptation goals.


Oxfam’s PREP Value Chain Climate Resilience is a guide to managing climate impacts in companies and communities.

SPR adaptation Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) tool

In conjunction with a guidebook this Excel tool calculates a range of scores based on the results and structures the process.


The Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the NDCs (TAAN) is an interactive knowledge platform that aims to provide an overview of countries’ adaptation content in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Urban Climate Resilience Toolbox

Select different filters and navigate through a wide collection of more than 90 GIZ Urban Climate Resilience approaches across 30 different countries.