UNFCCC Training Vulnerability Assessment

A group of people discusses something at a table

Photo © GIZ / Florian Kopp

This training package (containing PowerPoint presentations, along with substantial supporting material) on methods and tools for vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessment is intended to aid non-Annex I Parties in selecting their V&A assessment approaches, methods and tools, by providing as wide a range of methods and tools as possible. 

The training package is based on the UNFCCC user manual and facilitate its use by non-Annex I teams in the preparation of the V&A component of their national communications. The manual is designed to facilitate the use of the UNFCCC guidelines contained in the annex to decision 17/CP.8. 

The training package, in addition to addressing concern(s) that arise from initial national communications, also provide a means to address emerging concerns such as, the impact of climate change and increased climate variability on human health and well being, food and livelihood security and the consideration of possible means of adaptation to them in developing countries. 

Access the training here: Training UNFCCC 2005: Training on methods and tools for vulnerability and adaptation (V&A) assessment



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Integrating the Multiple Values of Nature and its Benefits into Development Planning

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