Adaptation to climate change is much about ‘doing things differently because of climate change’ (Bo Lim), or making the right decision in light of climate change. Tools, approaches and instruments are necessary to guide decision makers of the public and private sector. With the right strategy, adaptation can be anchored in all affected sectors, like agriculture, water, health, biodiversity and transport. Although it is not possible to adapt to all impacts of climate change, climate risk management and disaster risk management can be improved.
This approach enables individuals, the private sector and both state and non-state actors to factor in various risks when deciding on appropriate precautions and aims at making the projects and international partnerships funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) more effective.
Rather than a series of individual measures, comprehensive risk management combines both tried-and-tested and innovative instruments from the fields of climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, disaster risk management and social protection into a single holistic approach (see the graphic on the left). was developed for the interested public and adaptation experts to provide information on applying approaches, methods and tools that facilitate the planning and implementation of adaptation action. Enhancing knowledge and sharing experience is the key to successful adaptation strategies. Therefore, this platform offers a wealth of information, online sessions and trainings on eleven key topics along the comprehensive risk management approach:
GIZ’s position on climate change adaptation is summarized in this position paper. If you have any further questions or want to share your experiences don’t hesitate to contact us or follow us on Twitter (@Adapt_Community).
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PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet was a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration.
The Climate Expert website provides materials, tools and guidance for SMEs and multiplier organisations aimed at raising awareness and building practical skills of SMEs to prepare for the impacts of climate change. It helps companies analyse climate change risks and opportunities and generate strong adaptation strategies.