The Climate Impacts: Global & Regional Adaptation Support Platform, or ci:grasp 2.0 in short, is a Web-based climate information service that provides decision-makers and adaptation practitioners with knowledge about climate change and its impacts. ci:grasp breaks climate change down into three layers of information and provides different tools for each:
A comparative view of precipitation projections for the Caribbean.
Physical changes to climate in temperature, precipitation, and other factors can be explored in world maps which also allow for the comparison of different climate models and scenarios. Socio-economic impacts of climate change are made clear by climate impact chains. They link physical changes to the socio-economic impacts they might entail, such as losses in agricultural GDP or damages to infrastructure. There are also special sections for issues such as forest fires or urban areas, which have specific needs in adaptation.
Example of an adaptation project in agriculture in South America.
Experiences from on-going adaptation projects are found in the project database. Project outlines found here show how adaptation has taken different impacts into account in the past, and what the experiences have been. Users can browse descriptions and evaluations, as well as make contact with fellow experts, and share their own experiences in the database. In addition to these basic tools, there is a growing collection of PIK’s more generic research available at the ci:grasp website, relating to the bigger picture of development and climate change. Examples here include statistics on the climatic impact of dietary patterns as well as rural CO2 emissions.