Aligning NAP and NDC
for coherent Climate
Adaptation Action

NDC Adaptation Toolbox

The NDC Adaptation Toolbox offers various instruments to facilitate the development and implementation of adaptation measures needed to achieve NDC adaptation goals. All instruments have been developed by GIZ and proven successful in mainstreaming and implementing adaptation. Most of these instruments were originally developed in the context of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process. This does not outdate them; quite the contrary: The policy cycle stages and, thus, the enabling conditions for a successful adaptation remain the same.

Before developing an NDC implementation strategy, for instance, it is still necessary to take stock of existing capacities, gaps or vulnerabilities and to identify and prioritise possible adaptation actions. Also, in the NDC process the private sector continues to play a key role in achieving both mitigation and adaptation goals. It is therefore crucial to support private sector actors in their efforts to identifying potential adaptation options to achieve the mitigation and adaptation goals set out in the NDCs. Moreover, to translate NDC goals into effective action, both (sub-) national and sectoral adaptation plans are necessary. Sectoral plans break down the set goals into strategic adaptation measures and, in this way, determine how a sector contributes to the overall national-level NDC implementation. Hence, most of the instruments developed in the context of the NAP process are useful for NDC implementation.