Publishing date: January 2015
Climate Tagger is an analytical software tool that helps to scan, sort, categorize and enrich climate and development-related data and thus to improve the efficiency and performance of knowledge management systems. It thereby supports and addresses in particular climate and development organization in their efforts to share knowledge and information, streamline and catalogue their data and information resources, and connect them to the wider climate knowledge community. Climate Tagger works by applying automated tagging to unstructured content in databases, websites or online libraries in French, English, German, Spanish or Portuguese. The result is a streamlined knowledge system, with key concepts connected to definitions and taxonomies created and vetted by experts and linked to related content within and beyond the system at hand. Climate Tagger is based on the multilingual Climate Smart Thesaurus, a vast catalogue of specialized terminology, including mapped links to synonyms and related terms.
Category:Resource Type: Information and Data Platforms
Target Group: Governments , Technical Experts , Civil Society , Project Managers/ Developers