Repository of Adaptation Indicators

Publishing date: October 2014

The Repository of Adaptation Indicators was developed for individuals involved or interested in national M&E systems. Assessing the efficacy and effectiveness of adaptation measures in reaching set goals is achieved by using indicators of success. The Repository lists a number of adaptation indicators for four focus areas (climate parameters, climate change impacts, adaptation actions, adaptation results) and illustrates their application. For each indicator, the repository indicates relevance, limitations, data needs and potential data sources.

More information as well as the English and Spanish version of the Repository can be accessed below.

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Language: Spanish

Resource Type: Information and Data Platforms

Target Group: Technical Experts , Civil Society , Project Managers/ Developers

Further resources:

Monitoring and Evaluating Adaptation at Aggregated Levels: A comparative analysis of ten systems

A study analysing ten national adaptation M&E systems and serving as an illustration of M&E system design.


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