Publishing date: November 2017
The Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the NDCs (TAAN) addresses policy-makers, decision-makers, national stakeholders, academia and other users interested in following the state of adaptation in the NDCs. It showcases a wide scope of adaptation-related content in the (I)NDCs. It displays, among others, which goals, priorities and vulnerabilities countries state in their (I)NDCs, as well as which actions and activities are foreseen to address these. TAAN allows users to compare several (I)NDCs’ adaptation components, access a singular country’s (I)NDC adaptation factsheet and visualize statistics of adaptation-related content mentioned in the (I)NDCs. The tool is a means of improving a comprehensive understanding of the adaptation-related content in the (I)NDCs.
Category:Resource Type: Information and Data Platforms
Target Group: Governments , Technical Experts , Civil Society
Further resources:
The Role of the NAP Process in Translating NDC Adaptation Goals into Action – Linking NAP processes and NDCs
A study building on data from the TAAN and analysing the linkages between NDC adaptation components and NAP processes.