© GIZ / Sofia Araya-Nunez
The Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Tools Navigator helps practitioners and policymakers identify appropriate tools for incorporating EbA into their climate adaptation plans.
The Navigator has been developed through the joint effort of UNEP-WCMC, IIED, IUCN and GIZ. It features information on more than 240 tools, methodologies and guidance documents, and it can advise on the planning, assessment, implementation, monitoring and mainstreaming of EbA measures.
Each tool is accompanied by detailed descriptions that include its aims and functions, and how it can be used. Users can discover which tools and methods are best suited to support their work. It is also possible to add information on tools not yet included, as well as report on user experiences in applying tools for EbA.
An earlier version of the Navigator was released in 2019. Now as it moves online, we encourage EbA practitioners and planners to explore and test the utility of the Navigator for their own work. Your feedback will be of great value, as it will help us to further refine the Navigator prior to its launch in them autumn 2021.
Do you have any feedback on the Navigator’s design, functions or content?
The online Navigator can be accessed here. We have also prepared a short form for capturing your feedback here.
You are also welcome to send any feedback or enquires via email to tania.salvaterra@unep-wcmc.org
Next steps
After integrating feedback from this test phase, UNEP-WCMC and partners will be launching the online Navigator in the autumn 2021.
About the project partners
The EbA Tools Navigator has been developed through a collaboration between two International Climate Initiative (IKI) funded projects: Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation (EbA): strengthening the evidence and informing policy, implemented by IIED, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC; and Mainstreaming ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA): strengthening EbA in planning and decision-making processes, implemented by GIZ.
Both projects aim to show climate change policymakers and adaptation practitioners when and why EbA is effective – the conditions under which it works, and the benefits, costs and limitations of natural systems approaches. They also promote the better integration of EbA principles into policy and planning.