Photo © GIZ / Alan Walsch
Under the Paris Agreement, the Parties agreed in 2015 to keep global temperature rise well below 2°C in comparison to pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5°C. In order to achieve this goal, countries must enhance their climate action. The GIZ Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA) has compiled a list of knowledge products on this topic, making it a useful guidance for NDC/NAP implementation.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) countries need to reduce their emissions and phase them out by 2050. For this the adoption of a long-term strategy and mid-term targets are crucial, with NDCs providing a main avenue. Moreover, the Paris Agreement supports a balance of adaptation and mitigation action and established a global goal on adaptation. National Adaptation Planning (NAP) processes are important instruments to integrate adaptation to climate change into sectoral development planning.
Thus, NAP and NDC implementation should be seen as complementary processes following a holistic and integrated approach towards climate action and ambition raising. By working closely together with SPA’s consortium partners (mainly IISD/ NAP/GN, adelphi, iied, but also WWF, UNIQUE, Factor, Ricardo etc.), different experiences and perspectives found their way into the publications.
This Adaptation Briefing aims at providing impulses from this co-creation of knowledge products and stimulating new “inter-silo” and “inter-organizational” discussions on how to further enhance holistic climate action. With each publication being classified to different thematic foci, the compilation intends to give an overview on a wide range of NDC/NAP implementation themes.
Download the publication here.