“Ecosystem-based Adaptation reduces a range of climate change risks to people, biodiversity and ecosystem services with multiple co-benefits” – this is also a finding of the latest IPCC report on “Impacts,adaptation and vulnerability” (C 2.5.).
So far, many policy- and decision-makers, especially those not directly working on climate change, have heard of “Nature-based Solutions” and EbA as a subset of NbS, but currently only know little about the benefits of EbA.
To help deal with this challenge, the new publication Why working with nature pays off: The case for investing in Ecosystem-based Adaptation presents arguments, facts and examples on the evidence of the effectiveness of EbA in the form of short, easy to read briefs.
Looking first at why EbA pays off in general, then at EbA in the water sector, in agriculture and in cities, it showcases why EbA offers cost-efficient solutions for adaption to climate change while also providing additional benefits for people and nature.
Each of the four briefs can also be used as a stand-alone document e.g. when discussing adaptation options with planners and decision makers in water management, land use or urban planning.