New Publication: “The Role of the NAP Process in Translating NDC Adaptation Goals into Action: Linking NAP processes and NDCs”

This new publication by GIZ further adresses the connection between the NDC and the NAP process in order to combine efforts in mainstreaming the multilaterial framework on climate action in place since 2015.

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement in 2015, adaptation is now firmly on the international agenda. In the lead up to the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Paris in 2015, Parties to the Convention agreed to submit intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs). In doing so, they outlined their commitments to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and had the option to also include adaptation. Unless countries chose to amend their INDCs before ratifying the Paris Agreement, these documents became their first nationally determined contributions (NDCs).

As of 17 May 2017, a total of 140 NDCs (165 INDCs) (on behalf of 145 countries) were submitted to the UNFCCC, of which 104 NDCs (145 INDCs) included adaptation. 39 (55) of these specifically refer to the NAP process as being planned or already in progress. However, the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) to the UNFCCC has reported that 85 countries, including 45 Least Developed Countries (LDCs) have actually begun the process. As of 17 May 2017, most of the 145 countries that ratified the Paris Agreement made little or no change to adaptation-related content in their NDC. These countries are now considering how NDC adaptation goals can be operationalised through implementing existing national adaptation strategies and plans or how developing national adaptation planning processes could support NDC implementation.

This study aims to:

  • increase understanding of (I)NDCs adaptation components and the extent to which they are aligned with existing adaptation planning documents, and processes to mainstream adaptation into national planning, such as the NAP process;
  • identify how NDCs and the NAP process can together help to accelerate adaptation action by indicating how adaptation goals expressed in the (I)NDCs can be implemented and developed through the NAP process;
  • provide guidance to national policymakers on how to link the NAP process and NDCs

Please find the complete document here.

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