Photo © GIZ / Ranak Martin
With the Vulnerability Sourcebook the GIZ has developed a very useful tool to enhance adaptation to climate change. This practitioner’s manual offers a step-by-step approach to conduct vulnerability assessments and monitor and evaluate changes of vulnerability over time. It can be applied from the local to the national level and to a broad range of sectors – as successfully done in Burundi, Mozambique, Bolivia and Pakistan. Besides that it is a very useful tool for further implementation of the National Adaptation Planning (NAP) process.
Download the Vulnerability Sourcebook now in French or Spanish from this website.
The publication contains eight modules, which provide detailed guidance on how to conduct a vulnerability assessment. They cover the preparation phase, the development of impact chains, the selection of indicators, how to gather the necessary data, how to process this data for vulnerability assessments, and how to present the findings. Furthermore, the Vulnerability Sourcebook highlights how practitioners can use vulnerability assessments for monitoring and evaluation (M&E).