Online Toolbox for linking the National Adaptation Plan process to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions

Radical slash-and-burn

Photo © GIZ / Andreas König

How to achieve the adaptation goals contained in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in practice? On we already present various tools for supporting policy-makers and key stakeholders in their efforts to develop, implement and evaluate adaptation measures. The GIZ Climate Policy Support Programme has developed a toolbox compiling all these tools and organizing them along a policy cycle on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The NDC Adaptation Toolbox  offers various instruments to facilitate the development and implementation of adaptation measures for achieving NDC adaptation goals. Most instruments were originally developed in the context of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, but might also be helpful in the context of the NDCs. As such, the NDC Adaptation Toolbox is organised along a policy cycle with five stages. These stages comply with the four NAP elements, as outlined by the NAP Technical Guidelines of the Least Developed Countries Experts Group, as well as with the NDC implementation guideline developed by UNDP and WRI. The stages are:

  • Stocktaking and Information Gathering
  • Planning
  • Developing Implementation Strategies
  • Implementing Adaptation Activities Examples
  • Monitoring & Evaluation

Furthermore, the Toolbox comprises two cross-cutting enabling factors, which are essential for the implementation of NDC adaptation goals: “Governance and Institutions” and “Capacity Building”. Finally, “NAP Process Country Case Studies” illustrate country implementation examples and related lessons learnt.

Access the toolbox here.

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