The GIZ Global Project Mainstreaming EbA is happy to share the recording of the online session ‘Toward gender-responsive Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Why it’s needed and how to get there’ with you.

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The online session was recorded on July 22, 2021 as part of a series of online sessions hosted by the International EbA Community of Practice.
The online session features:
Gender-responsive EbA – insights from a new publication
Angie Dazé, Senior Policy Advisor and Lead, Gender Equality, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Putting a gender-responsive approach to EbA into practice – an example from Nepal
Manorama Sunuwar, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Coordinator, CARE Nepal
You can find the newly launched publication Toward gender-responsive Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Why it’s needed and how to get there under this link.
The online session was moderated by Luise Richter (GIZ, Global Project Mainstreaming EbA).