Private Sector & Adaptation

Dealing with risks and seizing &
financing opportunities in
the private sector

FutuX Agri-consult Ltd

Futux offers farmers a range of services including advisory, food safety audits, trainings, and market linkage. This, in addition to providing farmers with agri-export certifications, helps them increase their resilience to threats to their livelihoods, among them climate change.


Business Model​

FutuX is an agricultural extension service provider, offering services such as agribusiness advisory, food safety audit, farm assessment, e-extension, market linkage, research, training and verification. FutuX further engages in agriexport certification which has helped build a traceable food system with focus on food safety among the smallholder farmers while also improving their livelihood.​

Adaptation Impact​

Helping farmers acquire the knowledge necessary for climate resilient, sustainable production, and combat key causes of food insecurity, rural-urban migration and loss of livelihood. 

Gender relevance​

26 out of 40 clients are female; 4 out of 6 members on the Board of Advisors are female; 7 out of 14 staff members are female.