Every year, emerging economies and developing countries invest billions in long‐term infrastructure projects. However, their plans often fail to take account of future climate change. This leads to high risks of damage and misguided investments. This especially accounts for the Nile Basin, where water related infrastructure provides food and energy security to entire nations.
Known as Climate Services, user‐oriented climate information and products (e.g. risk and vulnerability analyses) are required that enable public and private decision‐makers to raise the resilience of national infrastructures. Many countries within the Nile Basin region so far lack the institutional, technical and service‐related conditions they need to set up and mainstream climate services in their planning procedures and regulations.
In order to enhance the provision of Climate Services for infrastructure investments, a baseline assessment of available Climate Services has been conducted focusing on the assessment of respective capabilities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) in Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. The assessment is based on data collected in interviews, surveys and workshops.