This study highlights success factors and entry points for mainstreaming EbA based on 16 practical case studies from Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Philippines and Viet Nam in the following contexts:
1. National planning and development processes (e.g. climate policy and budget allocation)
2. Sectoral policies and regulatory frameworks (e.g. sector planning and land-use planning)
3. Local and community planning processes (e.g. village planning, municipal planning)
4. Private sector engagement (e.g. public-private partnerships)
5. Capacity building.
It also summarizes emerging lessons learnt for mainstreaming, including identifying policy entry points, strengthen institutional collaboration, engaging multiple actors and effective communication.
This report reflects the knowledge, experience and lessons learned of the many practitioners who have been leaders in the design, implementation and mainstreaming of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) measures. It is based on the findings of four country reports on ‘entry points for EbA mainstreaming’, expert dialogues within the BMU IKI funded International EbA Community of Practice (EbA-CoP), and case studies from the web-platform PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet.