‘Governance goes beyond Government – Successful adaptation also depends on the active engagement of other actors including national, regional, multi-lateral and international organizations, civil society and the private sector.’
Governance is the variable with greatest potential for a successful mainstreaming of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into policies, plans and practices. Major barriers relate to governance factors, i.e. who decides what needs to be done & how shall it be done?
A new study developed by GIZ provides decision makers and practitioners with key background information on concepts and quality aspects of governance for EbA. 18 practical examples help to better understand and make use of existing governance structures to mainstream and implement EbA as well as related Nature-based Solutions approaches.
The publication provides:
1) Conceptual overview: definitions, the role of state, civil society and business;
2) Description of diversity of actors & governance types in EbA projects: government, shared, private, indigenous peoples and local communities;
3) Information on quality aspects: good governance, equity aspects at international & local level, a suggested framework and principles for EbA governance;
4) A summary of barriers and opportunities including suggestions on how to enhance the quality of multi-actor processes and guiding questions for good governance;
5) Conclusions with key messages for planners & implementers.
The study is based on an extensive literature review, a summary report on ‘Emerging lessons for mainstreaming EbA’, five country analyses for mainstreaming EbA in Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Viet Nam and the Philippines, expert dialogues within the BMU IKI funded International EbA Community of Practice and case studies from the web-platform PANORAMA Solutions for a Healthy Planet.