With the 2020 NDC updates around the corner, countries need to increase the rate of system innovation enabled by NDC implementation and raising ambition. The Global NDC Conference 2019 aimed to inspire and enable policy makers and practitioners to accelerate the pace and scale of transformational change – via NDC implementation – to reach the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. Given the scale of the climate crisis and the NDC implementation challenges, the conference recognized the importance of systemic leadership by individuals, organisations and countries in responding effectively.
This working paper is a first attempt to pull together current and emerging insights and raise awareness among climate practitioners and policy makers of the importance of systemic leadership as an approach for enhanced NDC implementation. It gives an introduction into systemic leadership and how it can help in NDC implementation. Moreover, the paper provides you with first steps on how a systemic approach can be implemented right away. Especially officers in funding and implementing agencies, but also decision makers in partner countries are addressed.