Although there are hundreds of tools and methodologies available to support the integration of EbA into adaptation strategies, information on these tools is not always easily accessible to those who need it.
Together, IIED, IUCN, UNEP-WCMC and GIZ have developed the EbA Tools Navigator to help practitioners and policymakers identify the most appropriate tools for including EbA into their climate adaptation plans. This searchable database currently includes information on more than 240 tools and methods for planning, implementing and monitoring EbA activities.
The Navigator has now been released in its final form, and the developers are encouraging EbA practitioners and planners to use it for their own work. Users are also welcome to share information on tools not yet listed and on their experiences using tools to support EbA. You can find the navigator in Spanish and French in the publications-list above. To read more about the navigator, go to the following link: