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The Philippines is host to more than 1800 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and is committed to significantly expand their number and size under the 30 x 30 framework. These MPAs face an increasing threat from multiple hazards, most notably typhoons, which can severely damage mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass meadows. Already chronically underfunded, many MPA management councils struggle to replace lost monitoring assets and finance rehabilitation work. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) commissioned this pre-feasibility study in order to analyse the potential of new insurance solutions to assist MPAs bouncing back quickly in the aftermath of typhoon events.
In an effort to increase the uptake of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, IISD has systematically reviewed the IPCC WG II report and summarized the key messages on gender, equity, and justice. This technical brief unpacks the key messages with illustrative examples and a companion comic: A Story of Gender, Equity, and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation. The brief can be used on its own or with the comic to better understand and communicate this essential knowledge toward more just and effective approach to climate change.
In an effort to increase the uptake of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, IISD has systematically reviewed the IPCC WG II report and summarized the key messages on gender, equity, and justice in a technical brief. This comic accompanies the technical brief to better understand and communicate this essential knowledge toward more just and effective approach to climate change.
This checklist for national policymakers illustrates potential opportunities and interactions during the development or update of the NDCs, NAPs, and NBSAPs. It provides a list of points for consideration to enhance synergies and co-benefits throughout planning and implementation phases, ensuring gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches.
This document explores innovative financing options such as Venture Debt, DAOs, and Carbon Credit-based funding, offering practical solutions tailored to the unique needs of startups and SMEs in emerging markets. It provides valuable insights for stakeholders seeking to unlock new funding opportunities and promote sustainable economic growth, particularly in the context of development cooperation.
La fiche d'information « Facteurs de réussite pour des stratégies de réduction des risques de catastrophes urbaines - Le cas de la commune de Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, en République de Maurice » donne un aperçu des facteurs importants pour les stratégies de réduction des risques de catastrophes dans les zones urbaines en se basant sur l'exemple de Beau Bassin-Rose Hill à l'île Maurice. Il présente quatre facteurs qui ont permis à Beau Bassin-Rose Hill de construire une ville plus résiliente, faisant d'elle la première ville mauricienne à atteindre le niveau C de la feuille de route de résilience MCR2030 de l'UNDRR.
The factsheet “Success Factors for Urban Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies - The Case of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill” shares insights on factors that are important for disaster risk reduction strategies in urban areas based on the example of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill in Mauritius. It presents four factors that have enabled Beau Bassin-Rose Hill to build a more resilient city, making it the first Mauritian city to reach level C of UNDRR’s MCR2030 resilience roadmap.
La fiche d'information « Améliorer la gestion des risques de catastrophes par une approche multisectorielle : Recommandations pour les gouvernements locaux par les gouvernements locaux » présente les facteurs de réussite importants pour les stratégies de réduction des risques de catastrophes dans les zones urbaines et formule huit recommandations pour l'implication de différents secteurs dans la gestion des risques de catastrophes dans les villes africaines. Ces recommandations sont illustrées par des bonnes pratiques des activités de résilience urbaine dans le district de Homa Bay, au Kenya, et à Kampala, en Ouganda.