‘From the mountain pastures of Peru, to the coral reefs of Vanuatu…’
Ecosystem-based Adaptation is a topic of global relevance that is implemented successfully in a broad range of countries and ecosystems.
A new publication developed by GIZ under the PANORAMA initiative illustrates the diversity of EbA in practice – ‘from mountains to oceans’ – that can be found online at the PANORAMA — Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform (www.panorama.solutions).
A selection of 30 applied EbA measures (solutions) is presented along the following chapters:
1. Mountain, grassland and forest ecosystems
2. River, wetland and inland water ecosystems
3. Agro-ecosystems and drylands
4. Urban ecosystems
5. Marine and coastal ecosystems
This publication intends to inspire policy and decision makers as well as project developers, showing that EbA has ‘many faces’ and is being implemented successfully by a broad range of actors and organizations.