In coastal zones, the adverse effects of climate change are already having a direct impact on people and their livelihoods, a trend that is expected to intensify in the coming years.
Emphasising the essential role of the ocean in the climate system as well as its paramount relevance for development, the GIZ Global Programme on Risk Assessment and Management for Adaptation to Climate Change (Loss & Damage) hosted the expert dialogue ‘The ocean in a changing climate: Rapidly growing risk of loss and damage?’ in January 2021 to discuss the impacts of climate change on the ocean and coastal zones on an institutional level and with a particular focus on the role of development cooperation. Among some of the key issues addressed were the particular vulnerability and importance of small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and livelihoods, especially in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS).
Key insights from the expert dialogue are presented in this report.