Effectively delivering on Climate and Nature: NDCs, NAPs and NBSAPs Synergies – A checklist for national policymakers

This checklist for national policymakers illustrates potential opportunities and interactions during the development or update of the NDCs, NAPs, and NBSAPs. It provides a list of points for consideration to enhance synergies and co-benefits throughout planning and implementation phases, ensuring gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches.
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Agri-Food Systems: A Compendium of Analytic Tools for Practitioners

The Compendium provides an overview of the most relevant tools that can be applied to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into development projects. It categorizes these tools by level and complexity of application, methodology and target group and prepares the tools for a more convenient application by practitioners. The tools enable entry points for agroecological transformation and identify site-appropriate agroecological practices.
The interactive Product Landscape complements the Compendium and gives a visual overview of and easy access to the tools as well as additional relevant documents.
Implementation Guidelines on Green Wall and Green Roofs

Increasing urbanization, coupled with limited urban planning, puts cities at risk from climate change. Ecosystem-based approaches to Adaptation (EbA) are a cost-effective approach to reduce the vulnerability of urban and peri-urban communities to climate change. The Green wall and green roofs are defined also potential urban EbA components and can be seen as complimentary to the land-based gardens in the efforts of maintaining green spaces in urban areas while there is limited land. The Implementation Guideline on Green Wall and Green Roofs has been developed based on practical experiences of piloting Green Wall and Green Roofs in Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province, Viet Nam in the scope of the “Support to Viet Nam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (VN-SIPA) project. The guideline aims at enabling the implementation of such measures in a variety of other contexts and locations by providing basic technical concepts, details of benefits, and implementation procedures.
Implementation Guidelines on Water Retention Areas

The interrelationship of urban development and growth and the increasing impact of climate change require that adjustments be made to urban planning and development. The integration of elements of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into urban development provides an opportunity for cities create attractive, green, healthy, and livable urban spaces.
The Implementation Guidelines on Water Retention Areas have been developed based on practical experiences of piloting Water Retention Areas in Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province, Viet Nam in the scope of the “Support to Viet Nam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (VN-SIPA) project. The guidelines provide an in-depth analysis of the technical concepts regarding the measures and the financial requirements for users.
Training of Trainers Manual ‘Building capacity of border officials to address disaster displacement’ Edition no. 1

This trainers manual is intended to support border officials in building capacities to address disaster displacement. It is organised into three parts. The first chapter provides general guidance on planning and logistics for training sessions. The second chapter gives an overview on adult teaching strategies. And the last chapter dives deeper into topics like regional displacement frameworks, cross-border displacement in the Caribbean, addressing the factor of mental health and psychological first aid as well as outlining different flows and international protection.
Standard Operating Procedures for Planned Relocation – Fiji

The Standard Operating Procedures for Planned Relocation (SOP) in Fiji is one of the most comprehensive national documents in the world, providing detailed instructions and guidance on processes for climate-induced planned relocation. The SOP paves the way for a human-centered, science-based, and climate resilient development approach for the relocation of at-risk communities in Fiji.
Agroecology: Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Work in Agricultural Landscapes

This report suggests to link Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) with agroecological approaches to transform our agri-food systems in a climate resilient and nature-friendly way. It outlines three case studies applying the approach in India, Kenya, and Guatemala, providing practical steps to merge agroecology and EbA to adapt agricultural landscapes to climate change.
Analyses des effets socio-économiques et environnementaux des pratiques agroécologiques – guide méthodologique

L’absence de l’évidence scientifique des avantages économiques et des effets environnementaux positifs de l’agroécologie est un problème majeur qui empêche sa mise en œuvre à grande échelle. Cette publication vise à fournir des orientations méthodologiques afin de permettre une meilleure prise de décision fondée sur des données solides. Elle s’adresse à la fois aux responsables de la mise en œuvre des projets et aux chercheurs dans le processus de préparation et de choix d’analyses scientifiques (socio-économiques et environnementales) adaptées au contexte et liés à l’agroécologie.
Analyses of socio-economic and environmental effects of agroecological practices – a methodological guidance

Missing scientific evidence for positive economic benefits and environmental effects of agroecology is a major problem hindering its large-scale implementation. To allow for better evidence-based decision making, this publication provides the methodological guidance. It addresses both project implementers and researchers who are in the process of preparing and choosing context-adapted socio-economic analyses and ecosystem services valuations related to agroecology. In this way, it is intended to support future economic studies conducted within agricultural and rural development programmes.
Évaluer la pertinence de la gestion durable des terres pour l’adaptation au changement climatique

Les technologies pour la gestion durable des terres (GDT) ont souvent plusieurs avantages, notamment pour l’atténuation et pour l’adaptation au changement climatique. De plus, elles soutiennent les objectifs des producteurs et productrices en matière d’augmentation et de sécurisation des rendements.
Ce guide et l’outil Excel présentent une méthode participative pour identifier les risques climatiques pertinents et pour évaluer dans quelle mesure les technologies GDT répondent à ces risques, ainsi que leur faisabilité au niveau local.