
Agroeocology is a transformative approach
to enhance resilience and climate change
adaptation in agriculture and food systems


Factsheet Agroecology

Agroecology is a transdisciplinary and inter-sectoral approach. The factsheet provides an overview on agroecology as a lever social-ecological transformation. It illustrates the relevance of agroecology for future-proof agriculture and food systems using examples from implemented GIZ projects.

Factsheet on Good Practices in Agroecology

The factsheet “Agroecology – From Principles to Transformative Pathways” gives an insight into how the 13 principles of agroecology can be used to shape a pathway for food and agriculture systems transformation. It compiles five good practices from GIZ projects in India, Mali and Mexico as well as two Global Programmes which are operating in various African and Asian countries. The holistic agroecological approaches i.e. include women self-help groups, multi-stakeholder dialogues, aquaculture, rural youth employment and biodiversity protection – just to name a few.

Factsheet: On the Economic Potential of Agroecology 

This factsheet gives an overview of the economic potential of agroecology – and shows that agroecological systems can be more profitable than conventional systems, depending on the context. Findings from an exemplary GIZ project underline that agroecology can lead to economic benefits.

Factsheet Climate Resilient Jobs Perspectives Through Agroecology

The factsheet illustrates the intersection of agroecology and rural employment. It explores how agroecology fosters climate change adaptation through biodiversity alongside employment promotion. Three dimensions are examined in particular: job creation, sustainable business opportunities and education.