Climate Risk Assessment
and Management

A comprehensive framework to advert,
minimise and address loss and damage


The Community of Practice on Climate Risk (CoP CR) offers a forum for sustained and coordinated peer learning and exchange among globally leading experts in the field of climate risk with strong ties to German development cooperation.

The technical exchange among experts conducting climate risk and vulnerability assessments (CRVA) is highly valuable for the work conducted by the German development cooperation and GIZ in particular. CRVA can serve different purposes including awareness raising, identification of adaptation needs and gaps as well as adaptation measures, guiding and incentivizing investments and monitoring of implemented adaptation measures and their successes. Prominent approaches and frameworks include the Vulnerability SourcebookECAIVAVIA and ISIMIP, to name only a few (learn more).


The CoP CR aims to promote exchange and innovation among experts around practically useful and state-of-the-art CRVA within GIZ, and especially also with external experts & service providers (e.g. from science and consultancies).

The specific benefits generated through the CoP CR collaboration are:

  • Pooling of knowledge for CoP CR members (e.g. on new studies, reports, lessons learnt, brochures);
  • Informing about and getting support for solving specific problems encountered during the work;
  • Fetting access to implementation experience and knowledge;
  • Learning from innovative, tested and approved approaches;
  • Sharing upcoming events and presentations and work on joint proposals for future events; and
  • Asking questions and kicking off interesting discussions.


The CoP CR has the overarching objective of increasing the quality and efficiency of our work. This can be achieved through:

  1. Quality gains, regarding our advice on the design of institutions, processes, technical solutions and implementation tools; and
  2. Efficiency gains, by distributing knowledge and expertise and by these spreading innovations and reducing the required time and money to deliver a specific service or to develop a particular solution.


Topics and workstreams

The CoP CR selects topics and is structured in workstreams according to their significance to the work of its members and GIZ projects that are in implementation stage. Current workstreams include good practices in the application of the Vulnerability Sourcebook, the comparison of methods for climate risk assessments, as well as the climate risk communication.



Sandra Schuster (