Publishing date: January 2010
The Climate Proofing for Development training course is aimed at governments and technical experts and seeks to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities on how to better integrate climate considerations into planning at national, sectoral, project and local levels. The training provides an introduction to ‘climate proofing’, that is, enabling policies, projects and programmes to be analysed with regard to the current and future challenges and opportunities presented by climate change. In this way, development measures are made more efficient and resilient. Highlighting the risks and opportunities deriving from climate change helps raise awareness of climate change impacts. By viewing development through a climate change lens, appropriate steps can be taken to decrease vulnerability and risk, for example by acting as a solid base on which to develop comprehensive climate change adaptation strategies.
Category:Language: Spanish , French , Russian
Resource Type: Training
Target Group: Governments , Technical Experts
Further resources:
Method Brief Tunisia: Climate Proofing of the Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock Production System at the Saouef Farm
This method brief offers an insight into a project-level application of the Climate Proofing methodology for the integration of climate change adaptation into a farm production system in Tunisia.
Integrating Climate Change into Development Planning – Climate Proofing Manual for Zambia
A report on the implementation of the Climate Proofing concept in Zambia.