Vertical Integration in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes – A guidance note for linking national and sub-national adaptation

Publishing date: November 2016

This guidance is aimed at authorities and organizations seeking to advance climate change adaptation at the national and sub-national level. Its overarching goal is to strengthen the ‘vertical integration’ of national adaptation processes. Implementing strategic goals as defined during the NAP process and/ or NDC through effective action requires (sectoral) plans at both the national and sub-national level. These plans should be coherent and aligned across these levels. In other words, they should be ‘vertically integrated’. This guidance highlights key issues that should be considered when creating strategic linkages between national and sub-national adaptation planning. It provides guidance for the respective stages of the policy cycle, from planning over implementation to M&E and highlights enabling factors for successful vertical integration. The guidance is generic in nature and can be adapted to the country’s context, and available capacities and resources. Case studies from Colombia, Cambodia, Nepal and Morocco illustrate specific aspects of the guidance.


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Resource Type: Guidance

Target Group: Governments , Technical Experts

Region: Asia , Africa , Americas