Publishing date: January 2016
This training course seeks to enhance the capacities of governments, policy makers and technical experts on how to successfully tap the potential of Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) measures. EbA refers to adaptation measures that are designed to strengthen a population’s ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change through the sustainable use and preservation of ecosystems. EbA often presents no regret strategies and can offer adaptation mitigation co-benefits. Hence, EbA can play an important role in current adaptation planning as well as in identifying adaptation goals in future NDC iterations. The training course provides skills and knowledge on how to mainstream and thus strengthen EbA measures as part of an overarching adaptation strategy. More information and the training on demand is available on the website that can be accessed below.
Category:Language: Spanish
Resource Type: Training
Target Group: Governments , Technical Experts , Civil Society
Further resources:
EbA Factsheet
This factsheet offers an introduction into Ecosystem-based Adaptation.
Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning
This training provides a conceptual and practice-orientated introduction to the integration of ecosystem services into development planning.