Training: Dealing with Climate-related Loss and Damage as part of Comprehensive Climate Risk Management

Publishing date: January 2016

This training course for technical experts and decision-makers provides explanations about concepts, approaches and measures to prevent, minimise and address Loss and Damage (L&D). It serves as a tool to build technical capacities and initiate dialogue among partners working on integrating NDC goals into national policies, at sub-national level and in different sectors. It focuses on how to incorporate the associated (non-) economic costs of disasters and slow on-set events brought about by climate change and introduces comprehensive methods and measures for assessing and managing climate change risks. The training is useful for several stages of NDC implementation, from mainstreaming to the identification and prioritisation of adaptation options to creating a funding strategy.

More information as well as a factsheet on the climate risk management training course can be accessed below.

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Resource Type: Training

Target Group: Governments , Technical Experts

Region: Americas , Oceania

Further resources:

Climate Change Policy Brief – Implementing adaptation under the Paris Agreement: how can comprehensive climate risk management (CRM) support National Adaptation Planning (NAP) processes and NDC

A policy brief presenting a comprehensive approach on the integration of climate risk management in adaptation goals, thereby also accounting for unavoidable risks.


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