Final version of CIFOR study on climate impact chains in coastal areas

CIFOR’s study on climate change impact chains in coastal areas, funded by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), was presented already in two online sessions this year. The final report has been finished just in time for the holidays and is now available for download on In the study, you can read how five different stressors may create hazards and affect the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems: ocean acidification, ocean warming, precipitation, sea-level rise, and tropical storms.

Of course the study points out a vast body of academic literature that can be used to inform planners in even more detail. Abstracts and methods are provided in an extensive annex. For practical use, it is also accompanied by two short policy briefs: one about the potential of ecosystem-based adaptation strategies in Indonesia and the Philippines, and another one giving a quick overview of the impact chains for those who are short on time.

This fair amount of reading should keep you busy for the next two weeks, when this website will be a bit quieter due to the Christmas holidays. For those of you who celebrate it, wishes you a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year to you all!

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