The Global Project Mainstreaming EbA recently published a new report on gender-responsive EbA, which is now available under this link.
The purpose of this report is twofold: to illustrate the importance of integrating gender considerations in EbA actions and to provide concrete examples of how this can be done in practice. The report begins with a description of the rationale for integrating gender considerations in EbA action from both a policy and a practical perspective. It then outlines what gender-responsive EbA looks like in practice, introducing a set of broadly applicable building blocks, followed by case examples that illustrate how the building blocks have been applied in different contexts. Finally, recommendations are provided to improve the practice of gender-responsive EbA going forward.
On July 22, 2021, IISD and the Global Project Mainstreaming EbA furthermore hosted a joint online session on gender-responsive EbA, which you can watch here.
We hope you enjoy the two resources, and look forward to your comments and feedback!