Publication on Gender-responsive EbA – now also in Spanish!

“Guatemala – Rural Women Diversify Incomes and Build Resilience” by UN Women Gallery

Our popular study Toward Gender-Responsive Ecosystem-Based Adaptation – Why it’s needed and how to get there has now also been translated into Spanish. You can find the hands-on report in Spanish under this link.

The purpose of the study is twofold: to illustrate the importance of integrating gender considerations in EbA actions and to provide concrete examples of how this can be done in practice.

The publication begins with a description of the rationale for integrating gender considerations in EbA action from both a policy and a practical perspective. It then outlines what gender-responsive EbA looks like in practice, introducing a set of broadly applicable building blocks, followed by case examples that illustrate how the building blocks have been applied in different contexts. Finally, recommendations are provided to improve the practice of gender-responsive EbA going forward. It is also available in English.

The study was published by the IKI funded and GIZ-implemented Global Project Mainstreaming EbA, and written by Angie Dazé and Anika Terton from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).

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