At the COP27 Africa Regional Resilience Hub which took place from 19-22 September 2022, Denise Engel, head of the Private Adaptation Finance project, provided inputs to a panel discussion on “Private Sector Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Subsahara Africa”, organized and moderated by the Kenya Climate Innovation Center (KCIC). Three of the 15 SMEs that are part of PrivABoo were also represented on the panel (Ecocycle, Irri-Hub Kenya, and Botanic Treasures, more information about these SMEs can be found here), alongside Sowmya Suryanarayanan of Aavishkaar Capital and Judith Mulwa of GSMA. Participants highlighted the critical role of the private sector to mobilize funds, and of local enterprises to cater to the unique needs of their communities in adapting to climate change. Discussions also revolved around emerging trends and technologies, and how to bridge the gap between solution and finance providers.
You can now watch the recording of the session on YouTube below:

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