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El diagnóstico de la Zona de Transición Mérida-Cuxtal es un análisis integral que evalúa las condiciones urbanas, ambientales y sociales de esta área intermedia, identificando desafíos y oportunidades para su planificación sostenible y regulación dentro del desarrollo urbano de Mérida.
This report provides guidance on integrating agroecology and food systems into the development of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), aligning with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). It aims to support the implementation of the GBF at the national level, while ensuring coherence with international goals like SDG 2 on sustainable agriculture.
Main waterbodies and fisheries are inherently shared resources that each member of the community is entitled to use equally. Fishing creates jobs and supports the livelihoods of millions of people in rural regions, particularly in Asia and Africa, while also contributing to food and nutrition security. However, unsustainable fishing practices put fish resources under constant pressure. Local communities suffer because of these careless, continuous practices - especially while facing the growing impact of climate change through floods or droughts.
Small-scale enterprises in the aquaculture sector of Southeast Africa face considerable challenges due to climate change, severely affecting water availability, disease prevalence, and farm productivity. Extreme weather events like floods or dry spells can already lead to severe crop losses across entire regions if not addressed adequately by fish farmers. Climate-driven changes in temperature and precipitation are expected to have long-term impacts on the aquaculture sector at multiple levels.
Stories of 13 Women Fighting the Effects of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss in Latin America The adverse effects of climate change continue to disproportionately affect women. However, amidst this crisis, there are countless inspirational stories of women committed to safeguarding biodiversity and advocating for a resilient and sustainable future. In this series we explore thirteen stories of women across Latin America, from Mexico to Bolivia, who are asserting their rights and taking on leadership roles in ecosystem based adaptation within their local communities.
En el sector financiero formal y de crédito existen casos que demuestran el potencial de desarrollar soluciones de crédito y seguros para un segmento específico que desea incorporar la Adaptación basada en Ecosistemas (AbE) en sus estrategias de reducción de riesgo y sostenibilidad del negocio empresarial, donde se muestra que las inversiones en la AbE pueden ser una opción ganar-ganar.
The Philippines is host to more than 1800 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and is committed to significantly expand their number and size under the 30 x 30 framework. These MPAs face an increasing threat from multiple hazards, most notably typhoons, which can severely damage mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass meadows. Already chronically underfunded, many MPA management councils struggle to replace lost monitoring assets and finance rehabilitation work. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) commissioned this pre-feasibility study in order to analyse the potential of new insurance solutions to assist MPAs bouncing back quickly in the aftermath of typhoon events.
In an effort to increase the uptake of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, IISD has systematically reviewed the IPCC WG II report and summarized the key messages on gender, equity, and justice. This technical brief unpacks the key messages with illustrative examples and a companion comic: A Story of Gender, Equity, and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation. The brief can be used on its own or with the comic to better understand and communicate this essential knowledge toward more just and effective approach to climate change.
In an effort to increase the uptake of gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, IISD has systematically reviewed the IPCC WG II report and summarized the key messages on gender, equity, and justice in a technical brief. This comic accompanies the technical brief to better understand and communicate this essential knowledge toward more just and effective approach to climate change.
This checklist for national policymakers illustrates potential opportunities and interactions during the development or update of the NDCs, NAPs, and NBSAPs. It provides a list of points for consideration to enhance synergies and co-benefits throughout planning and implementation phases, ensuring gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches.
This document explores innovative financing options such as Venture Debt, DAOs, and Carbon Credit-based funding, offering practical solutions tailored to the unique needs of startups and SMEs in emerging markets. It provides valuable insights for stakeholders seeking to unlock new funding opportunities and promote sustainable economic growth, particularly in the context of development cooperation.
La fiche d'information « Facteurs de réussite pour des stratégies de réduction des risques de catastrophes urbaines - Le cas de la commune de Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, en République de Maurice » donne un aperçu des facteurs importants pour les stratégies de réduction des risques de catastrophes dans les zones urbaines en se basant sur l'exemple de Beau Bassin-Rose Hill à l'île Maurice. Il présente quatre facteurs qui ont permis à Beau Bassin-Rose Hill de construire une ville plus résiliente, faisant d'elle la première ville mauricienne à atteindre le niveau C de la feuille de route de résilience MCR2030 de l'UNDRR.
The factsheet “Success Factors for Urban Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies - The Case of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill” shares insights on factors that are important for disaster risk reduction strategies in urban areas based on the example of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill in Mauritius. It presents four factors that have enabled Beau Bassin-Rose Hill to build a more resilient city, making it the first Mauritian city to reach level C of UNDRR’s MCR2030 resilience roadmap.
La fiche d'information « Améliorer la gestion des risques de catastrophes par une approche multisectorielle : Recommandations pour les gouvernements locaux par les gouvernements locaux » présente les facteurs de réussite importants pour les stratégies de réduction des risques de catastrophes dans les zones urbaines et formule huit recommandations pour l'implication de différents secteurs dans la gestion des risques de catastrophes dans les villes africaines. Ces recommandations sont illustrées par des bonnes pratiques des activités de résilience urbaine dans le district de Homa Bay, au Kenya, et à Kampala, en Ouganda.
The factsheet “Enhancing Disaster Risk Management through a Multi-sectoral Approach: Recommendations for Local Governments by Local Governments” shares insights on factors that are important for disaster risk reduction strategies in urban areas and formulates eight recommendations for the involvement of different sectors in the disaster risk management of African cities. These recommendations are illustrated by good practices from urban resilience activities in Homa Bay County, Kenya, and Kampala, Uganda.
This study aims to explore how Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) and Nature-Based Insurance Solutions (NbIS) can effectively mitigate the impacts of climate-related hazards in the Philippines and in the region. It delves into understanding the policy landscape, examining market practices through case studies, identifying challenges in the sector, and proposing steps to scale EbA and NbIS solutions in the country.
The factsheet “Agroecology – From Principles to Transformative Pathways” gives an insight into how the 13 principles of agroecology can be used to shape a pathway for food and agriculture systems transformation. It compiles five good practices from GIZ projects in India, Mali and Mexico as well as two Global Programmes which are operating in various African and Asian countries. The holistic agroecological approaches i.e. include women self-help groups, multi-stakeholder dialogues, aquaculture, rural youth employment and biodiversity protection – just to name a few.
This factsheet gives an overview of the economic potential of agroecology – and shows that agroecological systems can be more profitable than conventional systems, depending on the context. Findings from an exemplary GIZ project underline that agroecology can lead to economic benefits.
This position paper reflects on the potential of agroecology for a sustainable transformation of agricultural and food systems. It elaborates on five positions, provides a set of recommendations on actions and gives an overview of useful tools and trainings as well as guidelines.
CRISP helps practitioners and policy makers in the agri-food sector to understand climate related risks, and to identify relevant adaptation options for their specific agricultural systems. This publication illustrates the practical application of the CRISP tool in Bolivia and Zambia. To show you what the tool can do, and which impacts it has already generated, two projects are presenting their findings in this factsheet.
The Compendium provides an overview of the most relevant tools that can be applied to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into development projects. It categorizes these tools by level and complexity of application, methodology and target group and prepares the tools for a more convenient application by practitioners. The tools enable entry points for agroecological transformation and identify site-appropriate agroecological practices. The interactive Product Landscape complements the Compendium and gives a visual overview of and easy access to the tools as well as additional relevant documents.
Increasing urbanization, coupled with limited urban planning, puts cities at risk from climate change. Ecosystem-based approaches to Adaptation (EbA) are a cost-effective approach to reduce the vulnerability of urban and peri-urban communities to climate change. The Green wall and green roofs are defined also potential urban EbA components and can be seen as complimentary to the land-based gardens in the efforts of maintaining green spaces in urban areas while there is limited land. The Implementation Guideline on Green Wall and Green Roofs has been developed based on practical experiences of piloting Green Wall and Green Roofs in Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province, Viet Nam in the scope of the “Support to Viet Nam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (VN-SIPA) project. The guideline aims at enabling the implementation of such measures in a variety of other contexts and locations by providing basic technical concepts, details of benefits, and implementation procedures.
The interrelationship of urban development and growth and the increasing impact of climate change require that adjustments be made to urban planning and development. The integration of elements of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into urban development provides an opportunity for cities create attractive, green, healthy, and livable urban spaces. The Implementation Guidelines on Water Retention Areas have been developed based on practical experiences of piloting Water Retention Areas in Dong Hoi city, Quang Binh province, Viet Nam in the scope of the “Support to Viet Nam for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” (VN-SIPA) project. The guidelines provide an in-depth analysis of the technical concepts regarding the measures and the financial requirements for users.