For mangrove conservation and rehabilitation as a form of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), the project ‘Management of Natural Resources in the Coastal Zone of Soc Trang Province, Viet Nam’ (2007–2013) included the active participation of the local population. The process started with stakeholder consultations and the organisation of a partnership between the community and local authorities. Subsequently, co-management plans and agreements were negotiated and agreed upon. Joint monitoring and evaluation of the process and results guided the implementation of co-management. This participatory approach proved to be a precondition for the project’s effectiveness.
The case of Vietnam / Soc Trang illustrates the importance of climate justice as a precondition for successfully and sustainably protecting mangrove forests. Mangrove forests protect the coast and people from storms and flooding. Additionally, the ecosystem provides other co-benefits, like the increase of income through fisheries by providing nursery grounds, food, shelter and habitat for a wide range of aquatic species. The case highlights how a justice-based implementation approach strengthened equal participation and benefits of a co-management approach, which actively promoted different dimensions of climate justice.
An online introduction to the case is available below:

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