Gender Strategy of GIZ project on Private Adaptation Finance

Tackling gender inequality and disparities is crucial to build resilient communities and economies. This Gender Strategy outlines the steps the GIZ’s project on Private Adaptation Finance (PAF) – part of the global project NDC Assist II – undertakes to mainstream gender when mobilizing mobilizing finance and investment in private sector solutions for climate change adaptation and resilience. Specifically, it outlines how PAF ensures equitable access to the support offering of the project and leverages technical assistance, capacity-building and ecosystem acitivites to help practitioners address gender-specific constraints and requirements when scaling and financing adaptation & resilience solutions.

The PAF Gender Strategy is a work-in-progress, subject to regular review and updates as project implementation progresses and yields new lessons learned. PAF also seeks to ensure project learning, transparency and stakeholder participation and thus invites interested parties to send us their feedback and comments on the Gender Strategy.

Furthermore, we are always looking for partners in implementing our approach so if you see a starting point for a collaboration – maybe you want to implement a joint training session, co-host an exchange format or have readily-available training materials – feel free to reach out to