The GIZ Global Project on Mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) commissioned this stocktake as part of its overall work on climate justice in EbA. The information presented here was collected through a literature review. The objective is to frame the topic of climate justice in EbA, capture main developments in international frameworks, summarise key challenges documented and reported during the workshop series on climate justice, and identify entry points and strategies that different actors have described and employed in addressing this topic.
Most recently, the Working Group II report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability related to climate change included equity and justice for the first time as one of the core concepts for adaptation, along with risk framing, vulnerability, exposure, resilience and transformation. Climate justice also played a similarly important role during the UNFCCC COP 27. The prominent topic of Loss & Damage and the decision to establish a Loss & Damage Finance Facility also represented a step forward for justice-related issues on the international climate agenda. Climate justice is thus a core concern of international debate, which needs further attention, especially regarding mechanisms to ensure the implementation of such principles.