Building Resilience With Nature: Maximizing ecosystem-based adaptation through National Adaptation Plan processes

The following guidance note presents “why” and “how” the NAP process can be utilized as a key mechanism and driver to mainstream and upscale EbA. It is based on a recent analysis of 19 completed NAP documents that reviewed the inclusion of ecosystems and uptake of EbA measures. The document builds on the lessons learned from the review and identifies guiding principles and actions accordingly. It also presents an overview of ecosystems, ecosystem services and their role in adaptation, and how managing their transformation under a changing climate can contribute to reducing climate risks and impacts for both people and ecosystems. Furthermore, it focuses on guiding principles and recommended actions along the steps of the NAP process to integrate and enhance EbA.

Building Resilience With Nature: Ecosystem-based Adaptation in National Adaptation Plan Processes

National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes present a strategic opportunity to raise the profile of EbA approaches, providing a framework—and, potentially, financial resources—for implementation at scale. Based on this , the NAP Global Network undertook a review of 19 NAP documents to better understand the extent to which EbA, as a tool for adaptation, has been taken up in NAP processes. This analysis highlights the extent of integration and identification of ecosystems and EbA into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), trends in how EbA was incorporated, and opportunities to strengthen the profile and quality of EbA.

Adaptation Briefing: Knowledge Products on Enhancing Climate Actions

This Adaptation Briefing presents a compilation of selected knowledge products that have been funded by the GIZ “Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)”. The SPA project strengthens several global initiatives and networks co-founded or financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) that enhance partner countries’ capacities to successfully implement their climate policies, reduce greenhouse gases, increase their adaptive capacities as well as communicate this transparently.

Climate Risk Management for infrastructure as part of the NAP in Costa Rica

For the transition into a carbon-neutral economy Costa Rica launched in July 2018 an ambitious NAP towards a resilient and decarbonized development with a transformative vision. The fact that 34% of the hydrometeorological losses were related to the infrastructure sector, shed a light on the vulnerability to climate extreme events of this sector. Hence, climate risk management (CRM) for infrastructure has been mainstreamed into the NAP throughout two complementary axes.

Elaboration des Notes Conceptuelles des idées de projet d’adaptation au Bénin

Factsheet Elaboration Notes Conceptuelles Benin

Le processus d’élaboration des Notes Conceptuelles des idées de projet d’adaptation a été initié dans le cadre de la mise en oeuvre de la composante 3 (Facilitation de l’accès au financement) du Projet d’Appui Scientifique aux processus de Plans Nationaux d’Adaptation (PAS-PNA). Les idées de projet ont été identifiées au Bénin suite à un concours d’idées organisé dans le cadre du partenariat avec le Fonds National pour l’Environnement et le Climat (FNEC). A l’issue dudit concours, deux idées de projet ont été retenues, à savoir un projet dans le secteur de l’agriculture et un second dans le secteur de la santé.