The Role of the NAP Process in Translating NDC Adaptation Goals into Action. Linking NAP processes and NDCs

Unless countries chose to amend their INDCs before ratifying the Paris Agreement, these documents became their first nationally determined contributions (NDCs). According to Article 7.9 of the Paris Agreement all Parties shall, as appropriate, engage in the formulation and implementation of national adaptation planning processes, such as the national adaptation plan (NAP) process. This publication is primarily for policymakers, decision-makers and practitioners who are working on climate change adaptation at a national level (e.g. ministries of environment, climate change focal points,and adaptation and sectoral experts).

Connecting the Dots

Drawing on experience in 11 countries and the European Union, this paper provides core elements and concrete examples for jointly advancing these agendas, with a focus on five challenges: coordinating institutions, aligning national climate and SDG-relevant targets, mainstreaming both set of goals into policy planning, optimizing financial resources, and building mutually reinforcing monitoring and reporting frameworks.

Informe de políticas: Vincular el proceso de formulación y ejecución de los planes nacionales de adaptación y las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional

Este documento de orientación política expone que la vinculación entre el proceso PNAD y las NDCs puede promover una mejor acción de adaptación. Asimismo, incluye preguntas guía para aquellos países que se planteen usar el proceso PNAD de esta manera, así como mensajes clave para los y las responsables de la elaboración de políticas.

NAP country-level training

Four men bend over a table on which one of them is writing something

GIZ has developed the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process country-level training in collaboration with the NAP GSP, UNDP, UNITAR and UNEP. It intends to assist multiple sectors at the country-level and constitutes the basis for a country upon which to strategize, steer and manage its NAP process.