Enhancing Risk Assessments (ERA) for Improved Country Risk Financing Strategies

The overall aim of the ERA project is to provide the government partners in Thailand and Egypt with an enhanced risk assessment for the development of their adaptation and risk financing strategies. The project is implemented by GIZ together with the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) hosted by the United Nations University.

Apprendre à vivre avec le changement climatique

« Mon village est repris par la mer. » – La voix de Kaboua John tremble lorsqu’il raconte l’histoire de son île natale, Kiribati, un petit État du Pacifique, lors de la Conférence sur le climat de Bonn en 2017. Kiribati n’est pas un cas isolé: Le changement climatique menace de plus en plus les moyens de subsistance des populations du monde entier. En conséquence, les gens quittent leur domicile. Au cours des six dernières années, le programme « Mobilité humaine dans le contexte du changement climatique » a relevé ces défis dans des régions comme les îles du Pacifique, les Caraïbes, l’Afrique de l’Est et les Philippines. Apprenez-en davantage sur leurs histoires et sur la manière dont le programme a collaboré avec plusieurs partenaires pour lutter contre la migration induite par le climat.

Mit dem Klimawandel leben lernen

“Mein Dorf versinkt im Meer.” – Kaboua Johns Stimme zittert, als er auf der Bonner Klimakonferenz 2017 die Geschichte seiner Heimatinsel Kiribati, einem kleinen Pazifikstaat, erzählt. Kiribati ist kein Einzelfall – vielmehr bedroht der Klimawandel zunehmend die Lebensgrundlagen der Menschen weltweit. Infolgedessen verlassen die Menschen ihre Heimat. In den vergangenen sechs Jahren hat das Global Vorhaben “Menschliche Mobilität im Kontext des Klimawandels” diese Herausforderungen in Regionen wie den Pazifischen Inseln, der Karibik, Ostafrika und auf den Philippinen angegangen. Lesen Sie mehr über ihre Geschichten und darüber, wie das Vorhaben mit verschiedenen Partnern zusammengearbeitet hat, um die klimabedingte Migration zu adressieren.

Climate Resilient Jobs Perspectives Through Agroecology

The factsheet illustrates the intersection of agroecology and rural employment. It explores how agroecology fosters climate change adaptation through biodiversity alongside employment promotion. Three dimensions are examined in particular: job creation, sustainable business opportunities and education.

Learning to live with Climate Change

„My village is being taken back by the sea.” – Kaboua John’s voice trembles as he tells the story of his home island Kiribati, a small Pacific state, at the 2017 Bonn Climate Conference. Kiribati is not an isolated case – rather, climate change is increasingly threatening livelihoods of people worldwide. As a result, people leave their homes. Over the past 6 years, the Global Programme “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change” has been tackling these challenges in regions like the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, East Africa and in the Philippines. Read more about their stories and how the programme has collaborated with multiple partners to address climate-induced migration.

Global Programme Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (HMCCC) – Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Component

In East Africa, periods of droughts are becoming more frequent and last longer, rainfall patterns are losing their predictability, leading to higher probabilities of floods in certain areas. This significantly affects how, when, and why people move. To address the consequent challenges, the Global Programme “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change” supports one of Africa’s Regional Economic Communities, namely IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development), to produce measures tailored to the region in order to help people adapt to a changing climate. Learn more about past achievements and ongoing activities in this factsheet.

Global Programme Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (HMCCC) – Caribbean Component

Addressing the impacts of climate change on human mobility, the Global Programme “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change” (HMCCC) responds to related challenges in the Eastern Caribbean. Experiences from hurricanes driving displacement and policy redesign highlight the accomplishments and strategies that enhance the region’s resilience. Learn more about how HMCCC provides knowledge products, technical support, and capacity-building to increase the region’s ability in managing mobility in a changing climate.

Global Programme Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change (HMCCC) Pacific Component

In the Pacific Islands, communities are already being displaced or relocated as a result of direct climate change impacts. Hence, regional and national adaptation measures are developed and deeply entrenched and implemented in national law and regional frameworks. Learn more about these measures and how the Global Programme “Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change” supported the Pacific Islands (particularly Fiji) in this regard.