Background: The NAP process The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process was established by the parties to the UNFCCC to reduce vulnerability and integrate adaptation into policies and planning processes at all levels. The initial guidelines for the formulation of NAPs state that least developed country parties should “provide information in their national communications on the progress made and the effectiveness of the national adaptation plan process.” (UNFCCC, 2011, p. 86).
Please note: this specific purpose only refers to implementation of the NAP process itself, but not to the assessment of impacts resulting from its implementation (i.e. whether adaptation takes place). For the development of national adaptation M&E systems, please see specific purpose #8.
Prospect | Knowing whether the NAP process in a particular country is advancing in accordance with predefined milestones or targets. |
Potential use of M&E findings | Being informed about the implementation status of the NAP process and taking action accordingly, as appropriate. |
Description | Country-driven milestones or targets for the NAP process are defined and their achievement monitored at agreed points in time. The milestones or targets need to be specific enough to enable an unambiguous assessment based on document analysis or interviews. |
Benefits and limitations | Agreeing on milestones or targets for the NAP process can provide orientation for its implementation. Comparing actual progress with milestones does not explain why deviations occurred (if any). In general, this M&E approach does not consider the outcomes of the NAP process, e.g. in how far planning and budgeting decisions by sector ministries are considering climate adaptation as a result of mainstreaming efforts or how far implementation of the NAP contributed to a reduction of vulnerability. Therefore, please also see specific purposes #7, 8 and 9. |
Resources needed | In general, resource requirements are low compared to other M&E approaches since some of the data is expected to be readily available, e.g. from members of a national NAP team or from document analysis. |
Example from practice | The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) has defined ten “Essential functions” that the NAP process should deliver to countries (UNFCCC, 2013). The NAP process can subsequently be monitored on whether these functions are fulfilled in a given country. The LEG has developed a tool for this purpose (“PEG tool”) which defines expected outcomes and a list of specific questions for each essential function. The Stocktaking for National Adaptation Planning (SNAP) Tool by GIZ (2014) defines seven success factors for the NAP process. Countries can assess their current and intended future level on these success factors. Progress over time can be illustrated in a radar chart (see GIZ, 2014 and 2016 for details). |
Links | Guidebook for the development of national adaptation M&E systems (GIZ, 2015) Website of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) where information on the PEG tool will be posted Information on the NAP Process including the SNAP Tool |