There are different reporting mechanisms under the UNFCCC, including adaptation communications, national adaptation plans (NAPs), national communications (NCs), nationally determined contributions (NDCs), and biennal transparency reports (BTRs).
The adaptation communication (adcom) is an important reporting instrument under the Paris Agreement. It was established to increase the visibility and profile of adaptation, to inform the global stocktake and to enhance learning and understanding of adaptation needs and actions. The adaptation communication is a voluntary instrument. It can be submitted as a stand-alone document or, as appropriate, as a component of or in conjunction with other communications and/or documents, including NAPs, NCs, NDCs, or BTRs.
In its Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating information in accordance with the possible elements of an adaptation communication, the Adaptation Committee (AC) has provided an overview of the guidelines for adcoms as well as useful suggestions for their application in the drafting process. This document will help Parties in preparing adcoms, also by highlighting benefitial synergies with other planning and reporting mechanisms.
The AC has also hosted a webinar on adcoms, enabling Parties, practitioners, scientific actors, and other experts to share their experience with the adcom guidelines during the adcom drafting process. In an additional webinar, the International Institute for Sustainable Development has explored the role of adcoms in raising the profile and visibility of adaptation and also shared valuable insights into the preparation of adcoms.