Adaptation to climate change is increasingly becoming part of development projects. This raises two questions. First, how can adaptation-specific results be assessed and monitored. And second, what characterizes an adaptation project?
GIZ has developed a number of support tools to inform the design, results-based management and evaluation of adaptation projects:
A step-by-step guide to develop results-based monitoring systems for adaptation projects
Target Group: Project developers and managers, implementing agencies and donors
Type of resource: Step-by-step guide
Adaptation Made to Measure. A guidebook to the design and results-based monitoring of climate change adaptation projects. Second edition. (1.4 MB) This guidebook presents a five-step approach to designing adaptation projects and results-based monitoring systems. This new edition of the guidebook was fully updated in November 2013. It is accompanied by an excel tool and a repository of adaptation indicators.
Adaptación a medida. Manual para la concepción y el seguimiento basado. Segunda edición (1.8 MB) Spanish translation of Adaptation made to measure (Second edition).
GIZ 2014 – Adaptation Sure Measure – Deuxieme edition (1.8 MB) French translation of “Adaptation made to measure” (Second Edition)
An excel tool navigating project managers through the five steps of designing adaptation projects and their results-based monitoring systems
Target Group: Project managers, staff of implementing agencies
Type of resource: Practical excel tool
MACC-Tool Monitoring Climate Adaptation Projects – GIZ 2016 (1.9 MB)
Excel-Tool to plan and monitor adaptation Projects based on the Guidebook “Adaptation made to measure”.
Handbook Of The Monitoring Tool For Climate Adaptation Projects MACC – GIZ 2016 (580.9 KB)
Handbook explaining the use of the MACC Tool.
Video Tutorials:
An approach to quantify adaptation benefits in terms of avoided economic damages, illnesses and mortality
coastal protection project in Viet Nam. The methodology is described in detail in the publication and illustrated by comparing two adaptation options in Viet Nam: (I) building a dyke and (II) planting mangroves. An excel tool is provided for the calculation of Saved Health and Saved Wealth.
A special feature of the Saved Health / Saved Wealth approach is that it can also be used to estimate adaptation benefits before a project starts based on scenarios of climate change impacts.
Target Group: Project developers and managers, implementing agencies and donors
Type of reference: Step-by-step guide
Saved health, saved wealth: an approach to quantifying the benefits of climate change adaptation (1.7 MB)
See also the two accompanying Excel Tools below which illustrate the calculation for a dyke and a mangrove case.
Dyke case:
Saved Health – Saved Wealth: Excel Tool for the Dyke Case (936.6 KB)
Excel tool accompanying the study “Quantifying adaptation benefits and comparing coastal protection adaptation projects in Viet Nam” focusing on the dyke example.
Mangrove case:
Saved Health – Saved Wealth: Excel Tool for the Mangroves Case (941.2 KB)
Excel tool accompanying the study “Quantifying adaptation benefits and comparing coastal protection adaptation projects in Viet Nam” focusing on the mangrove example.
A guide on selecting appropriate impact evaluation methods for climate change adaptation projects
Target Group: Project Managers, staff of implementing and donor agencies
Type of resource: Decision-support-tool, mapping of approaches and methods
Impact Evaluation Guidebook for Climate Change Adaptation Projects (3.4 MB)
Thus guidebook provides an overview of methodologies for Impact Evaluations and how they can be applied to climate change adaptation Projects.
The following presents further resources on adaptation M&E with a particular focus on applications at the national level.
IIED’s Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD) approach focuses on monitoring climate risk management (institutions, policies, capacities) as well as adaptation and development outcomes. Scorecards can be used to tailor indicators to the respective context. TAMD has been applied in several countries at national and community level. The Government of Cambodia, for instance, has decided to use TAMD for its national adaptation M&E framework. GIZ has partnered with IIED to develop sector specific indicators in Cambodia for health, agriculture and transportation. The Cambodian M&E framework and sector indicators are described in a detailed report from 2015. All TAMD resources, including a step-by-step guide, are available on IIED’s website.
UKCIP, as part of the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford, has developed a synthesis of tools, frameworks and approaches for the monitoring & evaluation for climate change adaptation and resilience (2014). It also has published guidance notes related to M&E of adaptation: Twelve reasons why climate change adaptation M&E is challenging, Selecting indicators for climate change adaptation programming, Theory of Change approach to climate change adaptation programming.
In 2015 the online community of practice Climate-Eval published a good practice study on “Principles for Indicator Development, Selection, and Use in Climate Change Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation”.
In relation to the German Adaptation Strategy, Germany’s Federal Environment Agency (UBA) developed an indicator system (English Summary: p. 1-15) to monitor climate change impacts and adaptation responses. The monitoring system is also described in this factsheet as part of GIZ’s comparative analysis study of adaptation M&E systems. The first adaptation monitoring report based on the indicator system was published in 2015 (currently only available in German).
The OECD published a report on methodological challenges of adaptation M&E in 2014 and a report on early practices of national adaptation M&E systems including case studies of Germany, Kenya and the Philippines (complementary to the study by GIZ).
The European Environment Agency published an overview of adaptation M&E efforts by its European member countries in December 2015. The report has been presented alongside the GIZ national adaptation M&E guidebook at the Adaptation Futures Conference in May 2016 in Rotterdam.
In 2013 the Adaptation Committee under the UNFCCC conducted a workshop on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation at national level. The workshop’s report and presentations can be found here.
The journal New Directions for Evaluation published a special issue in 2015 on adaptation M&E including an article on how to link national and subnational adaptation M&E Systems.