Women are disproportionately affected by climate change and concurrently important agents of change. As central actors in the fight against climate change, women must be taken into account when proposing and implementing climate change adaptation measures. To what extent have nationally determined contributions (NDCs) included gender-specific considerations in terms of climate change adaptation? The Tool for Assessing Adaptation in the NDCs (TAAN), analysed the gender-sensitive aspects in climate change adaptation in all submitted NDCs (as of October 2021) by looking into the qualitative and quantitative data presented in the NDCs.
Hereby, this policy paper discusses:
- gender-specific considerations in NDC Updates in comparison to the first round(s) of NDCs,
- the high proportion of gender-specific planning in comparison to the relatively low rate of gender-specific implementation,
- different national strategies and policies to ensure and implement capacity building for women and women’s empowerment,
- gender-disaggregated impacts of climate change and/or gender-responsive budgeting.
The paper aims to help understand the different ways of integration of gender considerations realized by countries’ NDCs according to national contexts, capacities and needs, and to inspire the continuation of the integration of gender in NDC revision processes on the road to COP27 and beyond. We hope you enjoy this TAAN based publication and look forward to your comments and feedback!